Ghostwriting Services

I admit it: I write about ghosts. A lot. But that isn’t what this page is about. This page is about ghostwriting, which is a process whereby I, a contracted author, writes a book, memoir, biography, or corporate history, and allow someone else to publish the book as if they had written it. Sometimes I am provided with a completed book that just needs to be edited or punched up. Other times, I am provided a chapter outline and some scribbled notes to work from. Then there are those occasions where I am given a vague, mumbled concept and a whispered, “Go for it.” Admittedly, the latter is my favorite.

Whatever the scenario, I do ghostwrite and am available to help you or your company complete a personal memoir, work of fiction, corporate biography, or any other type of book you are considering. I also offer editing services and help finding a publisher or agent for the completed work. Finally, I am occasionally approached to help develop a table of contents, outline, or summary for a piece of work – all of which I am happy to pursue.

You can learn more and join my network on LinkedIn.